Wolfgang Oehme, FASLA Landscape Architect in Baltimore Maryland Washington DC : Official Website
The German American Landscape Architect Who Revolutionized American Garden Design.
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Wolfgang Oehme's Books:

Wolfgang's New Book:

German Book of Wolfgang Oehme's Life - Just Released Jan. 2008

Announcing the new book: Between Garden Grasses: Wolfgang Oehme and his Grandiose Gardens in the New World by Stefan Leppert.

We feel privileged to be the exclusive US retailer of this unique, just released German language book about Wolfgang Oehme's life and work. Hot off the press in January 2008, this book chronicles the professional journey of Wolfgang Oehme. From his childhood in war torn Germany, to his postwar forays around Europe, to his giant leap to the eastern US, to his remarkable solo career designing gardens, to his highly successful partnership with James van Sweden with their landscape architecture firm Oehme, van Sweden & Associates, Inc., and ultimately to his successful solo projects in his German homeland and the US.

The books 144 pages are packed with 225 impressive photos of people, dreamlike gardens, drawings, Wolfi plants, and much more. The books' many photos make this book a worthy show book for your coffee table, even if the German language is not in your lexicon.

For a short time only, we are offering a special release price of $49.95 $14.95 70%OFF
for this unique book.

This price will not last long as our supplies are limited. Only a few copies are in stock! After they are sold, no more books will be available for sale. Don't delay! Order your copy(s) today!

And if you act now, shipping is free!!!

Wolfgang will personally autograph your copy if you wish. Please provide name (s) and/or signing instructions.

Wolfgang Oehme Foundation:
Each purchase of this book supports the Wolfgang Oehme Foundation. This foundation is committed 1) to supporting the maintenance of the numerous public gardens in Towson designed by Wolfgang, 2) to educating the public on Wolfgang's style of bold, natural, and sustainable garden design, maintenance, and horticulture, and 3) to establishing a large public garden, like Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania, that will physically convey Wolfgang Oehme's unique vision of bold, natural, and sustainable garden design, maintenance, and horticulture.

Previous books: By Wolfgang Oehme

Bold Romantic Gardens

The original book, Bold Romantic Gardens : The New World Landscapes of Oehme and Van Sweden by Wolfgang Oehme, James van Sweden with Susan Rademacher. This extraordinary volume captures the massive work of Wolfgang and James as they redefined American gardens through thirty years of work with a looser, natural style. The first edition was published in 1990 by Acropolis Books and this second edition shown here was published in 1998 by Spacemaker Press.


Dictionary Landscape and Urban Planning

The Dictionary Landscape and Urban Planning: Multilingual Dictionary of Environmental Planning, Design and Conservation, Editor: Klaus-Juergen Evert is the only dictionary of its kind. Wolfgang Oehme was one of the US assistants on this four language (German, English, French, and Spanish) book that took ten years to write. This dictionary was a real labor of love for Klaus-Juergen Evert, the former Assistant Director of the Stuttgart Parks Department, and the ten other assistants, including Wolfgang Oehme, who live all over Europe and the US. The first edition was published in 2001 and the second edition was published in 2004, both by the German publisher, Springer Verlag. The International Federation of Landscape Architects was the sponsor of the project. Now Klaus is working fulltime on a new edition

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