Wolfgang Oehme Official Website

In Memory of Wolfgang Oehme 1930-2011
"Human beings need nature; nature does not need human beings" -- Wolfgang Oehme

Roland Oehme's Message

Roland Oehme

Wolfgang Oehme

Messages to
Wolfgang Oehme



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Messages to Wolfgang Oehme (51-), (1-50)
50 John Elsley
It was with profound sadness that I received the news of Wolfgang's passing.He was a designer / plantsman in the truest sense - a leader never a follower, and an inspirational friend to many. Your landscapes and writings will continue as your legacy, personal memories of your friendship will always be treasured.
49 J Kenneth
Schmidt Jr
You blazed a path unknown to many in the world of ornamental grasses. This path is now being walked everyday by many of us and you will be missed by all. My condolences to your family and all who knew you.- Ken Schmidt
48 Susan
An icon designer who influences everywhere and is enjoyed by all. We will miss you.
47 janet draper
Although Wolfgang might be gone, his impact on the American landscape can be witnessed in just about every region of the country. Wolf's passion for plants and his relentless passion for professionalism within our beloved industry were unmatched. Anyone who received their catalog back with Wolfgang's Trademark red ink corrections can attest to this. For over 20 years he corrected my pronunciation of latin, and introduced me to his grand world of plants. I thank you my dear friend and mentor, rest in peace. janet draper
46 Karsten Fehmer
Mein Vater, Reinhold, und Wolfgang waren Sudienkollegen in Berlin und schテ、tzten sich sehr. Sie hielten テシber viele Jahrzehnte den Kontakt und nahmen Anteil an der gegenseitigen fachlichen und persテカnlichen Entwicklung. Wir nehmen Abschied von einem herausragenden Fachmann, der weit テシber die Grenzen seines Landes bekannt und geschテ、tzt war, von einem warmherzigen Menschenfreund, der es sich zum Ziel gemacht hat, die Vielfalt der Flora den Menschen vorzustellen und erlebbar werden zu lassen. Wir wテシnschen Dir Roland, daテ・Du die Trauer in dem Wissen bewテ、ltigst, daテ・Dein Vater ein erfテシlltes Leben hatte und sein Andenken durch Dein weiteres Wirken in besonderer Weise fortbesteht. Wir sind in diesen Tagen mit Euch eng verbunden. Herzliche Anteilnahme aus Berlin!
45 Doris and Dr. Harold Goll Dec18/2011 We where so sorry to hear the passing of Wolfgang on Dec. 15th. He impressed us from the first time that we met him at one of the Home and Garden Shows in the 80's to the present. He introduced us to new plants and gave us German gardens to explore. We were honored to be able to talk and discuss plants with Wolfgang and he made every garden he touched a unique garden. We will miss him, but his presence is felt in all our his gardens. Every garden that he built or designed were always "his" gardens and we continue to enjoy the beauty that he created throughout the world. Your family is in our thoughts at this difficult time. Doris and Dr. Harold Goll
44 Siegfried Johne
With deep consternation I have received the sad news from Wolfgang `s death. I am very sad. It is a great loss also for me. Wolfgang was an outstanding expert in landscape architecture and a very warm-hearted person.He has been well-known for kindness, generosity, and intense devotion to his work. These qualities, and others, earned him the respect of us all. His death leaves a gap also in my life. I am very sure that many people around the world will like to remember Wolfgang in future, too. It is with great sympathy that I express my deepest condolences to Wolfang `family and to Carol.
My heart and my thoughts are with you in these difficult times.
43 Werner Rauball
Lieber Wolfgang,Bitterfeld ist sehr bestテシrzt, dass Du nicht mehr unter uns weilst. Als Alt-Bテシrgermeister mテカchte ich Dir unseren besonderen Dank aussprechen, fテシr das, was Du Deiner alten Heimat geschenkt hast. Ruhe in Frieden, wir werden gerade am Staudengarten der Goitzsche immer an Dich denken. Dr. Werner Rauball, Altbテシrgermeister
42 Shane Griffin

Wolfgang...Your passing on the doorstep of winter only is tempered by the knowledge your vision and mark on our landscape will come to life again and again for years to come. We should be so lucky to have lived as you have and to have imparted so much knowledge and love of plants to so many. Dankeschテカn! From the meeting of your son, Roland, in college and then enjoying our time in the gardens of our home state of Maryland, those experiences helped shape my love for gardens like no other time in my life. Weeding never brought so much pleasure to me as the time I spent learning your craft and sharing our memories of our youth in Germany. As your proclaimed "Frankforter", I take great pleasure in remembering your words of wisdom with your humor to get your passion across..."to hell with trees and shrubs...Heaven is full of grasses and perennials!" No doubt your enjoying a weed free garden as it was intended!A true plantsman for every space, I will forever enjoy your gardens, the memory of our friendship and inspiration to love life, humor and plants. I was proud to know you as a Landscape Architect and a friend.To Roland and family, our thoughts are with you; please know the 'Georgia Gang' grieves with your loss.Sincerely, Shane Q. Griffin
41 Sandy Clinton
We have lost a giant in the industry. Wolfie, you will be missed.
40 Marc Nissim
I am a landscape architect and the style of design that Wolfgang developed with the use of sweeps of ornamental grasses and perennials has truly been inspirational in my career. I will miss his work but this legacy lives on.
39 Gregory Suridis
What an incredible man. I have learned so much from you, and have so many great memories of all the gardens that we installed. Learning from you was very easy, you were a great teacher, very patient and willing to explain things more then once. I will never forget our times at Americana Manhasset, as a big part of you will live on there eternally. Thank you for letting me see plants in a different light. God Bless.
38 Anne Colgan
I never met you personally, Wolfgang, but I have admired your beautiful landscaping for years and years, and have always heard about you from friends in the landscaping business. You left our part of the world a more beautiful place. Thank you!
37 Karen Wilson
I will surely miss Wolfgang. His passion and enthusiasm for plants and the environment was completely infectious. He turned my boring suburban lawn into a lush oasis that changes with every passing season and has become a refuge for all it's inhabitants, be it human, insect, reptilian, bird or animal. He was a walking encyclopedia of plants. If Wolfgang recommended a plant, you could bank on it being successful. He composed his landscapes in a very painterly fashion using broad brush strokes. He opened my eyes to planting in great masses. Wolfgang lives on in his gardens and in our hearts. For all those who knew him let's take a queue from him and remember to be passionate in whatever we do, be unselfish with our time and talents, and never stop marveling at the world around us. Thank you Wolfgang.
36 Joe Lutz
He introduced myself and my collegues to big fun plants! I remember on a field trip to one of his gardens he patiently repeated to me three times..Inn...u...la! Thank you for your knowledge, passion, and your free spirit.
35 Omi Oehme
I'm so sad that you passed without a final goodbye from the people who knew you longest and were the closest to you - namely you're beloved family. We will love and cherish you forever. No one can take away the many wonderful memories we have of you. Your legacy will live forever.Omi
34 Justin Wolters
Dear Mr. Wolfgang,Just getting out of school with my bachelors of Environmental Design and not finding work I became disillusioned with the prospect of becoming a landscape architect. In the recent months your practice, among others, has rekindled my love for the profession and for that I thank you. Ideas carry on.
33 Alexis
A man that has marked the landscape in such a very positive way.
32 Gil Acosta

So sorry to hear of the passing of Wolfgang... I had the pleasure of meeting him when he visited Huntington Beach a few years back. I was quite taken by his gentle demeanor and kind spirit. He was a very thoughtful and caring gentleman. And even though he is no longer with us physically, his spirit will live on in the legacy he leaves with respect to his chosen field of expertise. He will be missed and my prayers are with his family.
31 Berb
It was a true pleasure to know Wolfgang, both as an unsurpassed plantsman, designer, and mentor, and a thoughtful friend with a sprightly sense of humor. His spirit has infused so many gardens and landscapes all over the world, and will continue to bring to all of us his wonderful, unique vision of beauty melded with practicality. He was one of the rare individuals who truly made the world a better place. He will be sadly missed but long remembered.
30 Judy Van Dyke

We are in Chestertown this morning, and as I look outside, and the early light begins to touch the landscape, I think of Wolfgang and the lasting joy and discovery that he has left behind with so many people. His spirit is in my garden, and as I look around, I see him walking about, pulling up a weed, suggesting an improvement, correcting my pronunciations, and occasionally, at my request, shaping an awkward shrub. More than most, he has left a legacy in the earth. Part of him will be with me here in the garden as long as I can see it.
29 Petra Pelz

Lieber Wolfgang, ich schreibe in Deutsch, da ich mich besser ausdrテシcken kann. Als ich dich vor nun fast 20Jahren kennenlernte, war deine Stauden und Pflanzenwelt fテシr mich eine Offenbarung. Deine so unkomplizierte dennoch fundierte Art mit Pflanzen umzugehen faszinierte und beeindruckte mich. Deine liebevolle, besondere und menschlich offene Art machte es mir damals als junge Kollegin leicht, meine Scheu Stauden zu verwenden abzulegen und es selbst zu versuchen. Dein Samenkorn ist aufgegangen. Nun nach so langer Zeit schreibe ich selbst ein Buch gemeinsam mit Ulrich Timm. Ich werde es dir lieber Wolfgang widmen, denn du warst 窶朶chuld窶・daran. Ich bin dir dankbar, vermisse dich sehr und werde dich immer in meinem Herzen haben. Eines wollte ich dir noch sagen; es ist toll dass du Carol getroffen hast. Sie hat dir Wテシrde gegeben in schweren Zeiten. Schテカn dass es solche Menschen gibt. Meine Gedanken sind auch bei ihr. Petra Pelz
28 Ryoko Yamamoto
I am grieved to hear that your father passed away. Your father was kind to me, and I will always grateful for that. It must be very distressing time for you and and your family. Let me know if I can support you in some way. Please accept my deepest sympathy.
27 Achim Muller

It was so very sad to hear about Wolfgang's passing, and to think that I won't see him in person again as I had over the last twenty odd years in the U.S and in Germany. Yet I am consoled by and have to smile remembering him, his liveliness, vigor and sense of humor. He's gone but has lived life well and has shared it with so many of us who will always remember him fondly. His legacy lives on in the many gardens he has so masterfully designed and within the people he has inspired both professionally and personally. Wolfgang, you'll be missed! Visiting Germany won't be the same again without your company. Thank you for all the times I shared with you, Roland and Omi at your home in Townsend, and on a number of trips in various parts of Germany. I窶冤l treasure the memories for the remainder of my life.
26 Udo

Unforgotten ouer garden tours, unparalelled ouer meetings. Iツエam glad, get to know you personally. A great enrichmant for me. Thanks a lot ! Peace and love !
25 Danilo Maffei

You were not born in America, but you defined what it means to garden in America. Thank you for what you have done and for what others will do because of you.
24 Marta
Wolfgang Oehme will be missed very much but his beautiful gardens will continue to grow in designs inspired by his The New American Garden Style.Wolfgang Oehme's talent and personality significantly influenced my life. He guided and assisted me to make the decision to continue with graduate studies in Landscape Architecture. Roland and family, please accept our sincerest condolences.With sadness and sorrow,Marta Kulchytska with family
23 Umair Khan
I am having all my sympathy with Wolfgang on their precious loss that can never be recover we all are going to miss that plant loving person OEHME all his books are asset to any landscaper having all of my best wishes for you. May God give peace to his soulreagards Umairkhan
22 Jurgita Tamutyte
Dear Wolfgang... I still have Fallopia 'Crimson Beauty' you dug out for me - the only plant I took with me when moving - . Yes, you went to the Courthouse garden and dug it out yourself. You did not know how much it meant to me. You cared about people, without thinking if you will ever meet them again, if they are "useful" or not. I wonder if you knew how many people you have influenced. I had the utmost respect for you - not only as a landscape architect, but as a person.
21 Joe Adams
Roland, my heartfelt condolences at the passing of your father. I was honored to have had him autograph a copy of his book for me. The environments he created were truly spectacular.
20 Rick Anderson
I am deeply saddened by the news. When someone has been an inspiration longer that you can remember, it tough to find the words. I owe much of my design style Wolfgang, thank you to being the ultimate designer/plantsmen.
19 Rick Anderson
I am deeply saddened by the news. When someone has been an inspiration longer that you can remember, it tough to find the words. I owe much of my design style Wolfgang, thank you to being the ultimate designer/plantsmen.
18 Marianne Zimberg
I only met you once and was touched by oyur warmth adn kindness. I will remember you and all the beauty you have given us! Peace & Love, Marianne
17 Bruce John Riddell

What can someone say about their idol? A plantsmen窶冱 planter? A gardener窶冱 gardener? I can think of no finer teacher of all living things despite having had many wonderful teachers throughout my landscape career. Ian McHarg taught me to look at the layering and overlapping of science and landscape. James van Sweden taught me to look at design and shape and form to create synergy within the design. Wolfgang Oehme taught me to look at plants and all living things as closely as possible. It was not his job it was his religion; to look, observe and understand where and why and how plants will grow; to be excited about form and texture and color; to create unique and ever changing plant combinations from common to obscure varieties. I was extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to work in the field and at the drawing table with Wolfgang from 1986 to 1994. The real training took place in the field through constant improvisation and instinct. We were one of the few firms that actually had as much mud as ink beneath our fingernails as we placed every plant in every garden before it was planted. OvS was my first real job in the profession of landscape architecture immediately following my graduation from PENN and little did I know how little I knew about plants until I met Wolfgang. His philosophy and passion for plants was unparalleled窶ヲinspiring窶ヲcontagious. He saw plants in a different light窶ヲ窶廰eave the seeds for the birds窶ヲdo not cut back too early. Notice the frost glistening on a dead or golden stalk. Look at the backlighting and watch how my plants glow in the strands of the setting sun. Observe my garden in the blue-white shadows of moonlight窶ヲMarvel at the beauty of the feathery seed heads of my children, as they catch light and wind and shadow. Watch my gardens dance窶ヲ My gardens have movement. They have depth窶ヲThey have soul! Watch and learn. I am the best. Trust me.窶抔olfgang lived, ate and breathed plants. Wolfgang taught me how to see the world of plants differently, plant differently, design differently--think differently. Rainbow Different in a world of Blue-Grass- Common is 窶廴ore Bettah窶・ Thank you Wolfgang. I will miss you my friend and mentor. Your seeds of inspiration are well-rooted in the minds of your progeny and the gardens of your devotees.Long Live the King of Fargesia! With Fond Memories, Your Friend and Devoted Student,Bruce John Riddell, ASLA(OvS Associate 1986 to 1994)
I will forever see wolfgang out planting and taking care of the various gardens around Towson, OH and ofcourse ( always introdusing new plants for all the people to share) What a GREAT MAN and true inspiration, I will miss you, THANK YOU !
15 Trueth Seeker
Wolfgang Oehme lived and loved well. He always had this youthful exuberance for life and wanted to share his vast knowledge. His happiest times were spent pulling edible weeds, which was to be his meal. Who could contain his/her merriment at this display of pure bliss? Many cheers for Wolfgang.
14 Wolfgang Eberts

From one Wolfgang to the other,well, the grass king wont call me any more. Roland, my thoughts are with You. i heard the sad news from Susanne.I remember the visits of your dad, when he stayed at our house and whilst having dinner - no steak- i had a pen and took notes of "his favorits" Imperatum was one of them. totally ignorant with "Schtauden" i coudl learn plenty from your dad. I well remember when your Dad came and you came with him. it is good memories. Your dad left a footprint in the country he emigrated to, Stauden and grasses were not known when he started his career. has that ever changed! Stauden and grasses are more evident in your country now than they are in the old world. No doubt, your Dad Roland, played an essential role with this. i remember when he told me how he borrowed 4000 $ to Kurt Bluemel so that he could buy a Volkswagen Beatle. Your Dad, Roland, will always be remembered for having introduced grasses and "Schtauden"- as Sテコsanne says. I much appreciate that he kept the links to Germany, eventhough he happened to be on the bad side. You have seen "Bitterfeld" recently, have you? what a change. Roland, a few days ago a famous german writer died, Christa Wolf, she too suffered DDR Germany but of course after the change in 1989 her mind was freed. anyhow, when two days ago the funeral services took place in the cathedral in Bonn, her grandchild, 3 years of age, at a moment when it was all quiet in the cathedral- asked her mother with a loud and clear voice- for all people to hear: "where is Oma Christa". you can imagine what effect that had.i could image your son Yumo - could i have a picture from him?- aks: "Where is Opa Wolfgang"my thoughts are with you. We wont forget the Grassking. Love Wibke and Wolfgang

13 Anna Pugh Dec16/2011

Enviroscapes will forever be grateful for your insight and passion for the landscape industry. You were a true mentor to my husband, Todd Pugh. I, Anna, still remember coming home years ago(Ohio) to find you sleeping on our couch. We had a humble home with a celebrity in our living room! You kept it real.
12 Ulrich Timm Dec16/2011

Dear Wolfgang, it was such a pleasure to have - years ago -in hamburg and to meet you in Washington and Baltimore where you introduced me in several gardens of you. You was very special with an own character and always agreeable. You learnt us all to use strange perennials for a new and wonderful kind which made fantastic garden scenes. Thank you for you and your knowledge which made us rich. May you rest in peace. Ulrich
11 Christine Darnell Dec16/2011

Thank you Wolfgang for the great gifts your have brought to us. Your influence and insights will serve as constant reminders of your tremendous talents.
10 Toni Cox

What great sorrow at his passing. What great thanks for all he has given.
9 Katrin Scholz-Barth

Lieber Wolfgang, your distinct German (Saxony) accent connected us instantly when we met at UPENN when we taught the same year. Your love for plants and creating memorable places was infectious and admirable. I still treasure our stroll along International Drive NW where you created such a place. With the same passion you volunteered your time and advice for the Outdoor Classroom at Tyler Elementary, an urban school where parents turned asphalt to much needed green space for students to enjoy and appreciate the natural environment. I am very lucky and fortunate to have crossed your path and will always fondly remember our encounters. Condolences from Qatar to your family during this difficult time. May all have the strength to remember the wonderful moments together. Alles Liebe. Katrin Scholz-Barth

8 Dru Peters Dec16/2011

So sorry to hear of Wolfgang's passing. I had the pleasure of living in Towson for 20+ years, and driving through the area saw many gardens designed or influenced by Wolfgang. What a treat!
7 Sharee Solow Dec16/2011

It was such a pleasure to walk gardens with "Wolfie." He would tell me about his favorite and not-favorite plants in the beds during ASLA and PPA bus tours. So much knowledge and care,it was like walking with horticultural design royalty
6 Robert Khazzam Dec16/2011

You where an inspiration! I am glad I met you at NYU last winter at the Van Sweeden seminar. All my best to the family.
5 Dee Johnson Dec16/2011

I was a novice landscape gardening student in 1979 when Wolfgang took his time to show me and another friend some of his gardens and share some of his wisdom. I have wonderful pictures of that trip and always cherished how such a famous man was willing to share. He will be missed. He was a true inspiration.

4 Jeff Henderson Dec15/2011

The United States of America as a whole continues to be blessed to have immigrants with such other worldly talents as Wolfgang Oehme. He took the canvas of landscape architecture in the USA and added both sustainable ideas and an intensified beauty. With knowledge of his passing, I was not only honored to have known him and had him as a guest at my home; I am also the lucky owner of Oehme designed garden through his talented son, Roland Oehme. Recovering from serious surgery in the summer of 2009, I have no doubt that being able to look upon the beauty of my 3-sided garden accelerated my recovery. When I mentioned this to Wolfgang on the telephone, he concurred that the presence of the regenerative beauty of a garden can be intrinsically healing to both the psyche and the body. I have taken that hard-earned insight and shared it with others. Like the owner of an oil painting by an artist, on my little lot surrounding my home here in southern Cal, I am so incredibly lucky to have an Oehme to share with people. We will miss you, Wolfgang. Sincerely,Jeff
3 Nicole Whiteside
s Dec15/2011
So sorry to hear of Wolfgang's passing.....he was a brilliant man that will be missed by all those who knew him.
2 Thomas Rainer Dec15/2011

Wolfgang,You were an original. I remember the first time I saw one of your gardens. It was the most beautiful place I've ever seen. You were a mentor and inspiration for more than 7 years to me. You changed the way I designed and gardened. But what touched me most about you was not your genius--which you were--but your generosity of spirit and joyful attitude. It was truly infectious. My deepest respect and admiration,Thomas Rainer
1 Lane Ledbetter

I will miss you my friend... You were my mentor, and opened my eyes to what is possible through creative plantings. I know you are at peace and now have the "ultimate" gardening position. Until later,Lane Ledbetter
Roland, My heart-felt condolences for the passing of your father. He was a favorite mentor of mine and will be with me forever in my thoughts and work. My best to you and your family,Lane Ledbetter